Tag Archives: whoops

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

Not everyone is so special to spend the holidays gathering a Christmas Tree on their own land less than 1 mile from their home!

IMG_4631   IMG_4632

(The Tree Picking Team)


(Found THE ONE!)

We were so excited to get the tree up and decorated.  This year has been a very special year in many many ways, there will be lots of memories after living in the bunkhouse, Christmas is no exception!  Since space is so limited in the house we made the decision to set up the our Tree outside on the deck.  So after putting the lights, garland and beads on we thought we were finished.  However, in about two hours the this is how we found the tree!


So we made the best of the situation and used that chair as a great picture area!


angry face Santa Pic

cody  norakids

Tell us a fun Christmas Mishap from your memory bank!!!