Tag Archives: homestead hill farm

Meet & Greet: Homestead Hill Farm


We are so thrilled to introduce to you Homestead Hill Farm and Barbara Womack from Middlebrook, Virginia.

Barbara Womack

Homestead Hill Farm is a small, diversified farm, selling all products directly to the consumer (mostly through the Staunton/Augusta Farmers’ Market).  They have been raising all sorts of vegetables, some fruits, sheep and chickens since 1997. The Farm sells through local Markets and via email during the Market Off Season.   Barbara and her husband are the entire workforce like many farming and ranching operations. Barbara says, “He handles the muscle work, post-harvest vegetable handling and logistics.  I am the ‘chief cook and bottle washer’, handling births, seed starting and delicate harvesting, among other things. It’s all about teamwork.”

Barbara began to write and blog about their family operation nearly 5 years ago. “I realized that many of our customers had absolutely no idea what happened on a farm…any farm.  So, I started our farm blog. We are very blessed to live in a beautiful place, doing meaningful work and it seems very important to share that with those who live elsewhere. While I can only speak from the standpoint of small producer, I feel it imperative to provide un-biased, objective information about all aspects of Ag (particularly since I’ve had customers tell me that I’m the closest they’ll ever come to a ‘real farmer’ —yeah, still trying to figure that one out—haha)”

When asked the question of Why Ag? And Why Blogging? She answered, “Not only do I love growing food and working on the land…I am 50% of the workforce!” Barbara would like to continue to make an impact in educating the public to the importance of Agriculture as well as being a part of the communication that will hopefully help the Ag Industry stand together against the “Anti’s” that continue to threaten this lifestyle.

The Montana Ranch Adventure asked: We want to know your dirty little secret…..ok you don’t have to give that up, but tell me something unique about you, your operation, your family, anything goes!

“If someone had told me twenty years ago that I would be farming full-time at this point in my life (and loving it—most days) I would have laughed out loud.  While this certainly wasn’t my long-term plan, I love my life and cannot imagine doing anything else.  I would hope to somehow be an inspiration to others who may find themselves in what seems like a soul-crushing, impossible situation…and let them know that it is possible to completely turn it around and thrive in the long-run.  Walt Disney was right, ‘You may not realize it at the time, but sometimes a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you!’ “

Thank you Barbara & Homestead Hill Farm for being a part of “The Women Who Get Things Done In Ag” Feature! We are proud of what you are doing. Please take some time to visit Homestead Hill Farm via their Facebook page, Blog, Website, and Flickr account!

Barbara Womack1