Tag Archives: construction

Building Continuation!

Can you believe it is already nearly September?!  There has been so much going on at the Ranch I have to apologize for not being better about posting!  If you follow our Facebook Page you probably have a little more insight!   So the Yearlings are close to one month from their eviction date, those ladies have been a delight to have for the most part, My kids have had a blast chasing cows and “helping” to round them up and push them where they need to be…and that is NOT in the neighbors pasture like some of those girls think!  Aside from that Here are pictures of the House building project that is coming along.  We have been diligently working on it as a team of 2-3 depending on the day, so I think we are doing a great job so far.  I’ve become a skilled sawsmith as well as learning my way around a level and square (I still have geometry so the angles get me).    Not to mention The Keya Foundation that I am working with is beginning have some great starting points on projects.  So between all of those things going on, we also are fortunate that Deleen (my Mother-In-Law) has moved out here and taken a job nearby.  Her and Albert will be bunking in the double garage/guest house, and will move into the bunk house for the winter after we get moved into our home.  It will be tight living until then but it will all work out!   So without much further waiting – Here are some updated picture of the progress we are making on the house!





Let me know your thoughts?!!?