Moving West: The Big Push!

This day/week was crazy.  The final steps to moving an entire ranch (plus all the kids stuff!) nearly 400 miles away from home.  My parents were working and waiting anxiously for a new grandbaby (My sister, Krystle was expecting) to be born (due in just a few days), so they were unable to help.  The Rancher’s parents were vacationing in San Francisco, Marie (Rancher’s sister) and her family just had a brand new baby, Wow!  The rest of the family was unavailable with work and busy lives too.   Could we have picked a busier week to try and move west!?

So here we go, packing the last of our belongings like Crazy!  Marie is a saint and watched my two little ones along with her own 4 kids.  Thanks Natalie, Allison, and Rance (the oldest kids – as the saying goes – the big ones will watch the little ones right?) for helping out too!   I got a call at about 1 pm on our last day in Timber Lake, SD.  Nora has a fever, won’t eat, and is miserable.  Now, a little back story, Cody was diagnosed with Strep and a double ear infection less than 4 days ago.  So, after several calls to the local doctors we couldn’t get an appointment anywhere.  Off to the Eagle Butte Hospital ER.  They did a great job getting us into and out of the ER (took longer to drive the 80 mile roundtrip than the appointment).  Strep throat run to ER because can’t get to clinic.  Nora and I got back to Timber Lake about 30 minutes before our going away party at Sparky’s in Isabel.  Meaning – after an early morning of packing and deep cleaning, a run to the ER and back I had no time to shower or get ready for our party.  Well A swap of clothes, a little mascara and some hairspray and we were off to our supper!


The Awesome Cake that was created by Robbi Miller from Isabel, SD – check it out, it looks like Mountains!  

Going Away Party 1

Some of my best friends we will be leaving behind.  Notice how sick Nora is, poor thing, we didn’t stay at our own going away party long. 

Going Away party

The Biegler Families- minus a few.  Sure are going to miss you guys!  Good thing you all love to ski and travel 😀  and that we will be back in Timber Lake periodically!

Two hours later we began moving West for MT!  Oh Yes, crazy we are, but the kids slept that first leg of the trip and made our lives a little easier.  Poor sick kiddos during a huge change in their lives.  We stayed the night at a friend’s house halfway through the trip and got up the next morning to get to our new Home!


I’m not sure who is more thrilled here:  Nora, Holly (the dog) or Cody?  What a trip of a lifetime!

Stay Tuned for the fun experiences of our first week in MT!

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